Team 과일 - ( kwa̠-iɭ ) Translated as Fruit;
- a community primarily composed of EPS Aspirants, who aims to study 한국어 [han-gu-geo] Korean Language and to pass the EPS-TOPIK Exam. Driven by their passion to learn more, group studies and reviews are being conducted, sharing knowledge to others while learning more through the process makes each and everyone better in speaking and reading the Korean Language everyday!, Camaraderie and Compassion drives a support system that made most of the EPS-TOPIK takers in our circle to reap the "Good Fruits" of their diligence and labor. We strive to maintain such cycle, Hence, the name "과일", People from different age, gender, places, religion and race -can be all in one basket in spectrum - of harmony and good deeds.